Guadalupe Mountains National Park, TX USA

I arrived back home from a 5 week, 7900 mile roadtrip, at the end of August. I am happy to say there is still plenty of unspoiled, beautiful scenery in our country. I was also awed by the vast array of natural resources our country has, from one end to the other.

In Texas, on my way out to California, I wanted to go to Big Bend National Park, down south on the Rio Grande River. But there were heavy storms down there at the time, and being in a tent in the rain is not exactly a pleasant experience (to me anyway). So I looked over my map and noticed Guadalupe Mountains National Park in the northwest corner of Texas. I had never been there before, nor even heard of it. I went on up, and found it to be a scenic location, with land I don’t normally equate with Texas.

Here is a photograph of Casa Grande Peak.
