Colorful Phlox Crop Rows – Washington State USA


After leaving Mount Saint Helens National Monument, I drove north and then east in Washington State. I was headed for Mount Ranier National Park. Around the area of the town of Morton, Washington, I drove right by one of the most colorful roadside scenes I have ever found. I had to reverse course and go right back to photograph it, of course.

Row upon row of lavender, pink, red, and white color on a bright deep brown soil. Mountains and green trees in the background.

There were workers in the field, and it was obvious that they were very proud of their crop. Smiling, answering my questions, asking me if there was anything I wanted done to help me photograph – it was amazing! I am more accustomed to having to beg permission to shoot scenery and features along the road. This new attitude was totally unexpected. And, on top of all that, there was that pride written on their faces. They knew they had the most beautiful landscape for miles around, and they had created it themselves. My hat is off to them.

When I asked the name of the crop, they told me it was Phlox. I have googled till I am blue in the face trying to learn more about it. Like, is that even how it is spelled? If anyone can fill me in on some detail about Phlox, please don’t hesitate to enlighten me.

I hope you enjoyed the photograph. At least as much as I enjoyed being there to shoot it!